10+ Years of Experience

Coffee Straight From The Source

Your Source of Colombian Coffee. Get in touch today!

We are your source of Colombian Coffee, now and Always.

We are TMO, your reliable source of quality coffee, specialized in premium traceable coffee and specialty micro lots.

Founded in 2012, we are proud to have grown from a modest coffee-sourcing office, to an experienced international exporter supplying all ranges of coffee from commodity to prize winning quality coffee to many countries, worldwide, from farm to final export product.

Years in Business
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Clients Worldwide
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Processed Each Hour
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Containers Exported
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Our Services

Quality and Sustainability are our main focal points within TMO Colombia, this is why we have decided to take control over the supply chain from farmer to finished export product. We provide the following services:


Green Sourcing

From Regional communal lots, to award-winning microlots, we handle traceability and quality directly with our producing partners.


Quality Control

From farm, directly to the cupping table and finally the dry-mill, all lots undergo a meticulous escrutiny.


Green Coffee Exports

Found a lot you absolutely loved and want to bring home? We will make it easy for you, exports are our bread and butter.